Entrenamiento 5000Plus Capacitación de Empoderamiento Económico
to Nov 5

Entrenamiento 5000Plus Capacitación de Empoderamiento Económico

  • Southeast Christian Church (map)
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5000Plus empodera a las personas en algunas de las áreas más pobres del mundo para salir de la pobreza. La visión de este ministerio viene del ejemplo de Jesús y sus discípulos que, comenzando con 5 panes y 2 peces pertenecientes a un niño pequeño, alimentaron milagrosamente a una gran multitud de personas como se describe en el Evangelio bíblico de Marcos 6: 35-44 .

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Mission Trip to Dominican Republic
to Jul 3

Mission Trip to Dominican Republic

  • Carbonera Dominican Republic (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dominican Republic 

Location - Carbonera, DR

Sponsoring Organization – Breath  of Life International
Team Leader and International Contact – Jose  Martinez 


The purpose of this trip is to obey Jesus’ commission to go and make disciples of all Nations.

Missions by Oswald Chambers "In missionary work the great danger is that God’s call will be replaced by the needs of the people, to the point that human sympathy for those needs will absolutely overwhelm the meaning of being sent by Jesus. The needs are so enormous, and the conditions so difficult, that every power of the mind falters and fails. We tend to forget that the one great reason underneath all missionary work is not primarily the elevation of the people, their education, nor their needs, but is first and foremost the command of Jesus Christ— "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations .."

It’s about God, not about us. It’s about the relationships with the team and the people whom we will work with. It is not about the projects.


Keep in mind that the primary purpose of this trip is Biblical Evangelism and discipleship making through ministering to the whole person: body, mind and spirit.  The whole gaspel to the whole person.  Our aim is to work in a community long term until there is transformation in the whole community.  It is demonstrating the love of God through our works and proclaim the gospel of Jesus through our words and behavior.  We want long-term transformation in the lives of the people and their communities.  We want to help local churches grow healthy with a vibrant presence in the communities or/and plant new churches which will do the same.  


    In Dominican Republic, we will arrive in Santiago where Breath of Life International has its main ministry with university students. 

    Important Facts about the Dominican Republic (DR) and where We will be Working


    The DR shares the Island of Hispaniola with Haiti. It is surrounded by the Atlantic on the north and the Caribbean Sea on the south which is where we will be. About 4 million of the country’s 10.4 million population live in the capital city of Santo Domingo. Many Haitians live in sugar cane villages and are not counted nor do they have any standing with the country. The Dominican peso currently has a 44 to 1 conversion. Roman Catholicism is the country’s official religion. About half of the population is believed to be involved in occult practices. There is a great influence of Voodoo and witchcraft which has being promoted by thousands of Haitians who cross the boarders. Only 5% profess to be Christians. Our work is clear and the opportunities are endless. We will be landing in Santiago where Breath of Life International has its main ministry with university students. We will be doing the bulk of our ministry work in San Juan De La Maguana,  El Cacheo, El Cercado and Neyba (see map above) and partnering with the churches there.  These towns are located on the southwest part of the country very close to the Haitian boarder.


    Carbonera is on the border between the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Very hot and dry province

  • This is a very poor city with a very high unemployment, high crime, and a large number of youth. The current president of the country is from this city. Julio then is from this city.

    Their family lives are among the poorest people in this city.

    These two families will be our main hosts along with the local churches we partner within this area.

    We will also be working with the local ranchers in these areas doing vet work.

    Our primary work will consist of VBS programs, evangelism, home visits, medical outreach, church leadership training, training Sunday school teachers, and reflective tape outreach to the surrounding villages, training the students mentors, and spiritual development for the students .

    What we will be doing

    Our primary work will consist of VBS programs for children, evangelism, home visits, training public school teachers and administrators on how to better teach students (teaching how to read and write), medical, dental, and veterinarian outreach, church leadership training, and reflective tape outreach to the surrounding villages.   Last but not least, we will be training the students’ mentors, and work on the spiritual development for the students themselves in Santiago.


    Team Goals:

    • Work together

    • Grow together

    • Serve each other

    • Encourage each other


    Local Church Goals:

    • Help Train the leadership

    • Grow in reaching out to the community

    • Grow in making disciples

    • Participate in missions


    What we hope for you as a Participant on this trip:

    • Grow closer to God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)

    • Obey Christ’s Command to go and make disciples

    • Grow on how to evangelize and make Disciple

    • Discipleship - Utilize your spiritual gifts to disciple others

    • Begin to develop long term relationship with the BOLI Students, Mentors, Church and Communities

    • Develop a heart for the Dominican People

    • Experience the DR culture and learn more about who you are - This experience will change your life.

    • Make lifelong friends - We have even people who got married after these trips. But do not come looking for a wife or husband (LOL).

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