We will love for you to volunteer with us and help us transform communities, make disciples and plant simple churches that are Kingdom outposts among the unreached.

There are many ways you can connect and begin to make an impact for Jesus.

Host a Intern

Our students like many college students have summers off. During the breaks from university, they work to send money home to their families. This opens up a wonderful opputunities for churches to partner with us and hire a student intern to work in the United States. Tasks can vary and students will be matched according to skill sets. Please apply and we will be in contact with you about specifics.


We offer short-term, long term mission oppurtunties throughout the year. We recongize everyone has a valuable skills set and will work with you to get plugged in when and where it would be most benefical.


Financal donations are needed to continue the work of spreading the gospel.

Contact us to get information on sponsoring a student, a pastor and his family, or a community


Become a coach or mentor to one of our students or families who we serve. Training is provided.