to May 15

Capacitacion de Tres TercionIglesia - Ser & Hacer Discipulos

  • 4101 CIREMOS TER Louisville United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Aceso al entrenamiento es por Zoom.

Jose Martinez is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Jose Martinez's Personal Meeting Room

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Meeting ID: 808 173 4360

Passcode: 123456

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+1 829 947 9220 Dominican Republic

+1 829 956 2188 Dominican Republic

Meeting ID: 808 173 4360

Passcode: 123456

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to Mar 31

Dominican Republic

  • San Juan de la Maguana Dominican Republic (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Although the final cost will be contingent on current rates, it is estimated that the total cost for each participant will be $800/person plus airfare. This cost includes ground transportation, meals, translators, and lodging. Most of the lodging will occur in the student's housing, homes of local sponsors and church members. The cost does not include any incidentals e.g., souvenirs, snacks, health needs, or travelers insurance etc.

The cost also does not included the service project cost e.g medications, supplies for construction, as these change for each trip depending on area serving. 

Since we are recently expanding to Cuba, South-East Asia pricing depends on trip and can be estimated by contacting Breath of Life International at link below.

Preparation for a Shot-Term Mission Trip:

  • You will be asked to prepare you testimony to shared when promoted to by the Holy Spirit.  There is a link below to a PDF that can help you prepare this.

  • Before leaving for the trip, we will have 3 phone meetings to gather the team together in prayer, connect on trip details, and learn about each other. 

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